Exercise Is Good For You
You know this, but it can be hard to motivate yourself. Even with the knowledge that it'll make you happier and it improves you brain function. It's been a long day in the office and all you want to do is relax, enjoy a nice dinner and watch the newest show on Netflix. Going to the gym is boring, there isn't much way round that and it can be hard to feel like you're achieving anything so you gradually phase out that part of your life.
We understand, so we've come up with these 11 Alternative exercise options to help you find your exercise passion.
#1 Pole Dancing
More commonly associated with strippers in American blockbusters this is one of the best exercise classes out there. It requires a huge amount of fitness, strength and core muscles to do those moves.

#2 Paddle Board Yoga
Yoga is about balance, what better way to advance your balancing skills than by decreasing the stability of the surface you are on? This is a seasonal class that you can even find out on the river Thames. Buoyancy aids and wetsuits are available. It would certainly give you plenty of motivation to improve your form.
#3 Trapeze School
Unless you're scared of heights this sounds like great fun. Soar through the air, flip and twist. It requires good upper body strength and will quickly develop your stamina.
#4 Hula Hooping
Take your childhood passion and turn it into some seriously impressive skills. Hulafit runs sessions across the city. Soundtracked with bangers from Britney and Beyoncé, they're suitable for beginners, but will soon have newbies doing hoop tricks like pros - while toning up abs, legs and arms.
#5 Barre Class
This one is a favourite of Nancy's. It is all about control and strength. These classes involve techniques from dance, yoga and fitness. The specific sequences will encourage muscles to stretch and strengthen, leaving you calm and relaxed. Be prepared to entangle yourself in strangely long and twisty positions.
#6 Take The Dog For More Walks, Longer Walks - Don't Have A Dog? Get A Dog And Take It For A Walk.
This isn't so much about the dog as giving yourself a purpose and cute furry companion to go out for a long walk or run. Try and wear your dog out. It will likely never happen, you'll just get it more excited. Let it run behind you as you cycle or jog along with you. Plan out a long walk at least once a week.
Grab one of our Large Bagletts to carry all your dog walking essentials with you!

#7 Join The Circus
Become a clown... okay, we joke. But you can find yourself one of the many 'Cirque du Soleil' style workouts which involve dangling for long periods of time as you try to regain some interpretation of up.
#8 Trampolining
This may seem like fun and games, and that's the point, but this is a really serious question of your leg strength and overall stamina.
#9 Boxing (or Any Martial Art Really)
Not only could this come in useful one day (although hopefully not) martial arts require feats of strength, balance, skill and fitness. There are classes for all skill levels and ages, you can take up contact or non-contact.

#10 Take Up A Sport
What's your favourite sport?
Sports are great ways to exercise and it doesn't have to be some high intensity game like rugby to count. Try tennis or golf perhaps. Great excuses to enjoy some of the outside world and stretch your legs a bit.
#11 Hot Yoga
Get ready to get sweaty. They crank up the heat and put you through a series of vigorous yoga poses. You'll need a shower after this one there's no doubt about it. After a few classes though it'll begin getting easier and you won't be nearly as stiff. (I don't think we need an image of sweaty yoga people...)